Bruno Fiacco


I have been battling seizures for many years. I want to share my story and help others live better everyday.

Filtering by Tag: Awareness


     Onfi, Fycompa, Aptiom, Dilantin and Prozac


    For those of you out there looking for a happy ending to all of their sad stories as I was, there is Hope! Epilepsy is not a sad ending to a terrible life if that’s what you have or had in mind. Lord knows I did. For 26 years I have been messed up on meds, many different neurologists and every medication that there is still on the market. I was even a guinea pig many times for two medications including, which I am still on - Onfi and Fycompa at NYU Epilepsy Center for a week or two each over these past two years.

    I had thought for sure that this damn problem of mine was a lost cause and that I was to end up the rest of my life on mine and my parents couch, seat, chair, whatever I could sit on safely on and not injuring anybody because of my falling issues, as well as without a job either for the rest of my life. Not that it is any different yet today, still living day by day.  

   Here in New York and elsewhere you need to be totally seizure free for a year to drive, not that I blame them, nor do I wish to ever again anyway with all of the crazy drivers on the road, but, a full-time job I would appreciate deeply. Being seizure free to work again has to be approved by your doctor. New York, being Epileptic, is one of the harshest states in America and the world even. Not that I can blame them either for it because states like Texas allow you to drive again just after three months. Sooner if your doctor approves it. So all you cowboys get to jump back into your Ford F150 Super Duty’s much quicker if your brain allows it to. Most states allow the same, some do not even have monthly standards, Just a doctors approval.

    But, finally though, after all of these years there is ‘A light at the End of the Tunnel’ like they say. All hope is not lost as I thought for so long. Every year on New Year’s Eve I’ve wished for the same New Year’s Resolution. Not for a bicycle, car or toy but, ‘that one day this would all stop and go away’. Not totally but, that someone, someday would find the right dose, combination to settle my brain waves from acting up like crazy. Much more than a person without any problems.

This year though, I seemed to have finally got my wish!

    Am I an Epileptic for life, most certainty. Will I have seizures like I did in the past when I was growing up and able to work with, yes. There is no cure for one of the oldest problems that man-kind has ever had. But, finding the right dose of medications, something that I thought I would never find, can be. Many say that I am jumping too far ahead or that it is just a honeymoon affect or period. The honeymoons over! How far ahead do I have to look forward to since December 15th when all hell broke loose, almost killing me. Two months later although, I am still feeling fine, more than 95% better than before that crazy day!

    Not difficult to say but I never want to see myself in another ambulance, ever again or in another hospital bed as well! Call me crazy but, whofor that matter would like too.

No one.

    I used to call every bathroom, restroom or shower anywhere at any place a Death Trap! My parent’s house mostly was a different fall like no other place on Earth. As soon as I stepped in I fell. If I sat I fell, and if not, washing my hands surely dropped me down to the ground. And thank God as well that this has all almost stopped too. Unbelievable but true although, I keep myself safe as in wearing a helmet still if I am in my house or home.

   As well as I feel, this will not stop me from my semi-daily work of keeping up with my blogs, keeping up with my stories which are all sadly true as well as keeping my followers interested. Once again I am not healed or cured, nor will I ever be but, with the right medications, there just might be hope for you too!

    So There is Hope at the End of the Tunnel. May take some time, lots and lots of time unfortunately, but, possibly by tests, or not, you may find the right doctors with the right medications or answers to your problems is possible!