Bruno Fiacco


I have been battling seizures for many years. I want to share my story and help others live better everyday.

Filtering by Tag: Colorado

PART III - THE MIRACLE: Ryhme & Reason

Many people call CW OIL the Miracle Oil, but how would you know about that unless you or someone else you may know has tried it. For those who want to listen and hopefully learn to better their lives for brighter and much heathier, longer future keep reading.

Once you have figured out all the necessary medications with your neurologist, who helps to break down the walls of unnecessary predicaments due to your everyday problems caused by seizures, epilepsy or not, it is best to realize that today and tomorrow are the days that we look forward to having.

For better and not worse!

Have you ever woken up on a Monday morning, flipping yourself over to the side of your bed, smiled, saying out loud “Yes it’s Monday”? Probably not, because who would, unless there is something great that is happening now that wasn’t ever there before, and the same goes for the rest of the week. There is something to live for now and to share with others the possibilities of that New Life. And the possibilities of that New Life are endless!

There are stories that I could fill you in that never ends, but boring my readers with the same dreaded life just isn’t my way anymore; not my style. This New Life now of can’t waiting to be woken up by my wife or alarm and giggling that this is going to be a big day, no matter the day, is a Miracle itself!

To do something good for others in need and to those who have done something good for you is Rewarded by God!

And by that everything in my life has changed almost 360 degrees, and all for the better, not one thing for the worse. It’s truly an unbelievable feeling of how a little bottle of oil can change our lives, hopefully forever. You begin to see all the Joy that the world has to offer and that has been handed down to you by others. You have no fear of the world that which you may have had before. You begin to see things much more clearly now while keeping yourself safe, occupied, in control of things that we only wish we could of have before. That sensation sticks with a person for the rest of their lives.

The oil can’t save you from everything, there will be times when problems occur, but that’s life for an epileptic. A seizure will come, but finding a New Life to live won’t unless you put your FULL HEART AND SOUL into it!

If there ever was a Miracle medication that had to be found as simple as a Marijuana leaf being grown from the ground, along with an unbelievable amount of prayers being said throughout the beginning of time, and two brothers from Colorado with all the respect for a young girl named Charlotte who have found a way for a better, normal, more action-packed life of opportunities, it is finally here!      

As a bonus, Part IV will be additional information on a day with my neurologist.


Learn more about ordering this product Here.

Learn more about ordering this product Here.

Back in August 2015, when Josh Stanley, one of the two Stanley Brothers of Colorado, along with Joel, the inventors of the CW OIL, said to us, Michelle and I, that he needed an adult with epileptic issues and yet can talk to to change their futures and to see the finished product and its results. Basically, he just needed a face that he could work with, simply by finding out about me through this website. Lucky for us, he was staying in New York at the time. Josh told us that he needed time, that him and his brother were making a solution for adults, and that when it was completed, that he would be getting back to us and to be keeping in touch. And soon!

Jumping ahead now to Thursday, September 29th, 2016, with a visit to see my neurologist, Dr. Kuzniecky, who always keeps us informed of future medications and experiments happening or that are in production and ready to be ordered or taken at the right time. The special Hemp oil has been brought to our attention for years now and that one day it will be available to be used in New York without any problems of getting it ordered. The only other scenario was to travel up to Colorado yourself every month, once or twice, and to buy it straight from the factory, as we were told. The product was not finished yet, so to take it as an adult could have caused problematic side affects, so ruining any chances of trying to find a way for the product to work when I knew that the day was coming as Michelle and I were told first hand by Josh Stanley himself. 

My doctor said to us himself that it may cost from up to $500 to $600 a month, not FDA approved yet, so the money would have to be paid up front on the order. Five to six hundred dollars I said no problem, if something was finally working for us epileptics, I would have considered a thousand easily. Don't ask me how, I am no richer then any other person, but to get my life back in order, and my freedom back, I had no reason to believe that if it has been working well for children lucky enough to stopping this demon from attacking us, as of old theories, Biblical stories, that something now these days has to make it end, before it ends us.

On Columbus Day, Monday of October 10th,  our same day Holiday here in America, Michelle and I logged into THE REALM OF CARING, where we were told to go by my neurologist, which is the number 1 place to be for all struggling epileptics to be if needed.

Now to find the right medication for myself, which was now ready to purchase and order for a lot less then my doctor had thought. For $275.00, free of shipping and handling and tax free, that which is on purchases over $30 within the United States. The order was purchased and went out on that Friday, October 14th from CW BOTANICALS COLORADO and in my hands that very day. There are two choices to chose from, Mint Chocolate or Olive Oil Extract flavors along with two different sizes as well, a 30ml to a 100ml in all different types, from children to adults, canine pets included. I chose the 100ml of olive oil being that its pretty obvious when you are up in age and that this amount would be the right one, but it is so unknown, so any person can not deal with precautions of bottles with less of a dosage. If chosen and taking correctly will save you money instead of over-ordering month by month.

There are obvious conditions in taking this oil, which is first an agreement by your doctor due to the medication your on already. Second is the style of which taking this oil if it is approved and appropriately following your doctors orders, which is a one time taken for the first week so that your body can recognize it, just like any other medication, coming on or off. And thirdly, the amount to be taken which drips out, a 1/8th of a teaspoon, which as well needs to be figured out by yourself, with help if needed. The way that Michelle and I figured it out to be, by our own intellect, is 3 to 4 drips of the bottle, after being well shaken, and by mouth, along with a bottle of water at hand.  

The second week, we use the same amount ordered, by your doctor and the bottles rules, twice a day, morning and night, and if all is going well for you or with any side effects caused, must be reported and informed to you doctor immediately, from day one!

Before we started week three, I had some unlikely things happen that did worry Michelle and I, do to the sudden increase in some drastic seizures that had started all over again, but I didn't falter at the task I was given, to find an everlasting cure. So I fought through my problems, as always, tried hard to keep a less worries outlook and to let the medications settle in with the CW Oil as some of my seizures started to vanish, that is besides the most important thing, the falling.

I tell you this to keep all of your hopes and dreams alive as well! The one thing that we know, my doctor mostly, is that I will never give up or give in, that I am his number One Fighter, as he knows best and the team we have working for us at NYU Langone Epilepsy Center, that I am the last person that he would ever consider a quitter! And that stands for all of you as well!
So be that as it is, I let the medications take place, blood shots every week or two, and let the CW Oil settle in with my Morning- prozac, Onfi, Dilantin. Afternoon- Onfi, Dilantin and vitamins, a multi vitamin, Turmeric (a memory brain healing vitamin) and Vitamin D-3 5000IU. At Night- Aptiom, Dilantin, Onfi, Fycompa, and now, CW Oil. The CW Oil can be taken morning, afternoon and night at separate times so that I can see for myself and yours a possible change in life due to it. All of these meds I scare myself from the amount at which each is taken, ones body, ones self, one problem, and yet still cannot be considered a cure! But when all of the meds taken are working all well together you may, in time, find the results to be, astonishing!

PART II - THE RESUTS SO FAR will continue next week. So please keep a look out for my upcoming blog post.